❤️ HELLO. I AM SHARON McANEAR. ✴︎ I write books. ❤️

You'll laugh. You'll cry.

✴︎You'll want to read all my books.

✴︎ You'll be in love with the characters.❤️

✴︎ You'll want to write reviews.✴︎

Is the hypnosis working? ✴︎

❤️ HELLO. I AM SHARON McANEAR. ✴︎ I write books. ❤️ You'll laugh. You'll cry. ✴︎You'll want to read all my books. ✴︎ You'll be in love with the characters.❤️ ✴︎ You'll want to write reviews.✴︎ Is the hypnosis working? ✴︎

I grew up in farming communities of the Texas Panhandle in the 1950s. Cotton was king and small town drama was his queen. I just couldn’t wait to write about it. Now you can know all the gossip and be in on the fun that is packed into The Jemma Series.

I have written 12 & 1/2 (I co-wrote one.) books of fiction and one of biographical fiction for you. I love to write as much as you love to read.

We are all more alike than we are different, regardless of race or geographical boundaries, and I hope my writing coveys that message. When I’m not writing, I’m thinking about it. There is so much left to be said. Love is a sweet concoction that can heal or hurt, make you happy or break you. One thing is for sure. It is an experience. Join my characters and their quests for real love. Love can be outrageously obvious while other times it can be gently sneaking up on you. Either way, with these books you’ll be safe, all cuddled up with page after page of drama, humor, as well as homegrown faith and philosophy.

Oh, in case you are wondering how I can brag like this about my books, I have an no-nosense, excellent editor and he works for food. Just kidding. He’s a union man. A great editor is key to book bragging.

That’s him on my lap.

If you want to know how Jemma’s kids turned out, you’ll enjoy the STARS IN MY CROWN trilogy.

For love stories unrelated to Jemma, jump into the WAITING FOR YOU series.

HEART OF GRACE is my latest book, based on the life of Robin Green, a schoolmate of mine who became a civil rights attorney in the early 1970s. He had no easy task in the ultra-conservative Texas Panhandle.

✴︎ You'll want to write reviews.

✴︎ You'll be calling your friends. ✴︎

✴︎ You'll laugh. You'll cry...a little. ❤️

✴︎You'll be looking for the next book.❤️

✴︎ You'll want to write reviews. ✴︎ You'll be calling your friends. ✴︎ ✴︎ You'll laugh. You'll cry...a little. ❤️ ✴︎You'll be looking for the next book.❤️